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Chargrilled aspargus sourdough with poached egg and tarragon butter recipe

Chargrilled aspargus sourdough with poached egg and tarragon butter

Chargrilling is a great way to cook asparagus, and dipping it in a runny egg yolk is a great way to eat it!


  • 4 slices of sourdough
  • Leaves from two tarragon sprigs
  • 3-4 tbsp softened butter
  • 800g asparagus
  • 4 free-range eggs
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic clove


  1. Chop the tarragon and mix into the butter. Place on greaseproof paper and roll into a log. Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes, until firm.
  2. Trim the stalks from the asparagus. Lightly coat in olive oil, season well and chargrill in a pan for about 4-6 minutes or until cooked.
  3. Meanwhile toast the sourdough, drizzle with olive oil and rub with a garlic clove. 
  4. Poach the eggs for about two minutes in gently simmering water.
  5. Toss the asparagus in a little tarragon butter and season well. Arrange on top of the toasted bread. 
  6. Cut 4 rounds of tarragon butter, place one on each serving of asparagus and sit the poached eggs on top.

Recipe by Jody Spencer

Taste Buds chef: Jody Spencer

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